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Excel Lesson - Look up data

This lesson covers techniques to look up data. Many people use these techniques to copy data from one Excel table to another and to reconcile two sets of data. This lesson covers functions: VLOOKUP, XLOOKUP, and the INDEX/XMATCH pattern

Case Study Data

In the exercise, we use a fictitious tiny sample data set of patients admitted to a hospital. We assume this is a master list of all patients registered and that the each patient only appears once in our master list - the data quality is good in this respect. The NHS ID is a unique for each patient. The master list also contains data for the ward, tariff and admitted date. Our sample data looks like this.

NhsId Ward AdmittedDate Tariff
ABC-1234 Dermatology 07/12/2024 50
ABC-7890 Day Surgery 08/12/2024 70
XYZ-1234 Day Surgery 09/12/2024 100
XYZ-7890 General Surgery 07/12/2024 20

We may have another list containing only the NHS IDs of some patients that are of interest to us. For this list we need to lookup up attributes like the Ward or Tariff from the master list

We look at some cases where the data provided is in a different format or shape. For example, in this dataset the lookup array, the NHS ID, is not the left-most column.

Ward NhsId AdmittedDate Tariff
Dermatology ABC-1234 07/12/2024 50
Day Surgery ABC-7890 08/12/2024 70
Day Surgery XYZ-1234 09/12/2024 100
General Surgery XYZ-7890 07/12/2024 20

Possibly our data may be in a row-orientated horizontal layout rather than the more usual column-oriented, vertical layout

NhsId ABC-1234 ABC-7890 XYZ-1234 XYZ-7890
Ward Dermatology Day Surgery Day Surgery General Surgery
AdmittedDate 07/12/2024 08/12/2024 09/12/2024 07/12/2024
Tariff 50 70 100 20


VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP are well known and popular functions used for column-oriented and row-oriented data respectively.

VLOOKUP is usually not the best function to use. It has limitations. For example:

XLOOKUP is a more modern, flexible and simpler alternative to VLOOKUP because XLOOKUP

Formulas that use either VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP, or indeed any function, are more readable if the data that contains the lookup and return arrays is in an Excel table.

The INDEX/MATCH pattern is more flexible than even the XLOOKUP functions since it splits the lookup and return operations over two functions (XMATCH and INDEX respectively). It is especially useful for pivoted data where we need to lookup up a value in a matrix given the row and column headers.