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Iris Dataset
The Iris dataset is a classic dataset from the 1930s. The data contains 150 rows (observations) of irises; 50 from each of 3 species: setosa, versicolor and virginica. Here is an example of each species



Data Description and Links
The dataset has 6 columns:
The data looks like this (not all rows shown)

Suggested Approach
- Import the iris data CSV file
- Build a scatter plot of petal length vs petal width and use colour to differentiate between species
- Explore different formatting options to make a better chart; e.g. colour, shape, fill point, axes start and end values
Power BI lab
If analysing the data with Power BI, here are some helpful hints
- While in Query Editor check the Column Quality and Column distribution boxes in the View pane. What does this tell you about the data?
- Set the default summarisation of the Observation column to “Don’t summarize”
- Create a measure named to count the number of Irises. e.g.,
Number of Irises = COUNTROWS(irisdata)
- Use ColorBrewer to pick a palette of three qualitative colours and replace Power BI’s default colours with these
- Choose helpful labels for both axes and a good title for the chart
- Add labelled images of irises to the page or even as a background to the chart?
- Add an overall trend line or a trend line for each species. Is this helpful?