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Share Price History Dataset

This is an exercise in recreating a popular financial visualisation to show the time-series of a share price and also the volume of trading. This is a dual line (for the price) and column (for the volume) chart

The datasets have the daily share price and volume (number of shares) traded for a company. There are several versions of the price: Open (the price at the start of the day), High, Low, Close and Adjusted Close. These are in CSV format in a public web location.

The dataset is for SEGRO, a European real estate logistics firm. The URL is SEGRO Data.

The original source data is from Yahoo Finance UK

Suggested Approach (Power BI labs)

  1. Launch Power BI Desktop and import the data.
  2. Build a visual to show the close price of the company over the last few years. What can we say about the company’s fortunes?
  3. The data has two versions of the closing price; Close and Adjusted Close. Add the Adjusted Close to the chart. Does this give any clue as to the difference?
  4. Add the volume column to your chart. This is of secondary importance to the viewer so tailor your colours and axes to take that into account
  5. Change the title to state the range of selected dates. (Hint: create a DAX measure)

Advanced DAX challenges

  1. Calculate the Intraday Price Change, the close price less the open price on a day. Use that to colour the columns green or red depending on whether the Intraday Price Change is positive or negative
  2. Calculate the Daily Price Change – the Close Price on one day less the Close Price on the previous day
  3. Investors often like to look at 3 month or 1 year moving average of a share price. Can you calculate this and show these lines?