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Exercise - Advanced Tasks - Customisers

Customisers adapt the AI tool so it provides more relevant responses based on the organisation’s needs.


Customise the AI tool in some way and see how that changes the responses. Here are some suggestions. Some or all of these options may or may not be available to you depending on the particular AI tool and your subscription.

Customise the AI tool

Customise the AI tool to tell it something about yourself (location, interests, goals,..) and how it should respond (formal or casual, brief or verbose, neutral or opinionated,…).

For example, in ChatGPT, click on the “user head and shoulders” icon in the top right and select “Customise the AI tool” to see a “Customize the AI tool” dialog like this.

customise the AI tool

This dialog has two questions. In italics I have a suggested a possible response.

Now ask a few work-related questions. Does this customisation help the AI tool to provide more useful responses?

Explore pre-made custom versions of the AI tool

Look at examples of custom versions of the AI tool - these combine specific instructions and extra knowledge.

For example, in ChatGPT, click on the “Explore GPTs” item in the sidebar menu. ChatGPT then shows a page like this.

customise the AI tool list

AI tools may offer several pre-built custom versions. These are often organised into several groups including:

Try several of these custom versions. Do these perform better on certain tasks than the standard the AI tool? Would any of these be useful in our work lives? In the class presentation, demo a few of these and explain their advantages.

Generate a custom image

There are a few image generator custom GPTs. Choose one of these and ask it to create an image to your specification, for example:

Create a family crest for the Jones family. Incorporate the family motto: “loyalty, trust, bravery”

Then, once the image is created, ask something like:

Explain the imagery on the crest

Create your own custom AI tool

Create your own custom custom AI tool. This could share your particular expertise to your colleagues, for example:

To get started in ChatGPT, click on the “Create” button in the top right. This will show the page to start this process similar to this.

create new the AI tool

This will take you through a process to create your GPT. You can add starter questions, and very usefully - upload files and documents that the GPT will reference when creating a response.

For example, here is the “Configure tab” of a rather technical subject, a formatter for SQL (the language to talk to relational databases)

the AI tool sql formatter

If you have created a GPT, there is a “Share” button to create a link so that anybody can use it. Share the link to your GPT with the class.

In the class presentations, discuss whether there is any opportunity for such a custom AI tools, once properly designed, built and deployed, to be a useful business tool within the company.

Optional Advanced Section

These exercises are optional. They do require that you are using a paid version of the AI tool.

Create your own custom AI assistant

Create an assistant with a low code approach. Here is an example using OpenAI (the company that built ChatGPT).

  1. Go to the Open AI Playground
  2. Create an assistant
  3. Configure the assistant
    • name it
    • provide instructions into the text box
    • choose a model
    • (important), add documents e.g. PDF files containing the information or data that you want the assistant to search when providing responses.
    • test out your assistant
    • publish your assistant