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Exercise - Advanced Tasks - Imagers

AI tools can understand and interpret images.


In the tasks below, assess the AI tool’s capabilities to interpret images based on these criteria:

Interpret an image

This is an image of a building.


Source: Wikipedia - Chrysler Building

Download here, upload to the AI tool and then prompt the AI tool to describe the attached image. Follow on with some more specific questions based on the original response.

Here are some example prompts. Use a separate prompt for each question below.

Describe the image.
Where is this building?
Who owns this building?
How did you conclude that?

Follow with a really challenging question

Estimate the size of the building in square feet

Interpret a historic image

This photo is a historic image of Piccadilly Circus, London.



Download here, upload to the AI tool and then prompt the AI tool to describe the attached image. Follow on with some more specific questions based on the original response.

Interpret an image with text

This is an image of Picadilly Cirucs in 1992.


Source: Wikipedia - Piccadilly circus

Download from here and upload to the AI tool and then prompt the AI tool to describe the attached image. Can the AI tool read the text on signs and shop fronts?

Interpret a map

This is a map of the Senate results in the recent US election from a BBC article here.


Download here, upload to the AI tool and then prompt the AI tool to describe the attached image.

Ask some specific questions in turn, for example:

Based on information on the attached map only, answer the questions that follow.

List those states won by the Republicans.
How many states were won by the Democrats
Which party won more states?

Here is a Google map of central London


Download from here, upload to the tool and start a conversation about the features on the map.

Interpret a chart

This chart how the strength of a person’s belief in a conspiracy theories may change after a conversation with an AI. It is from an article in the Economist here.


Download here, upload to the AI tool and then prompt the AI tool to describe the attached image.

Ask some specific questions starting with

In the following questions, refer only to the information in the attached chart when formulating your answer.

What are the most popular conspiracy theories?
In the study, what cause people to change their belief in these theories?
Did the moon landing happen? Really?

Ask questions about images of a person

Grab an image of a person. Provide these to the AI tool and ask some questions such as:

Describe the person in this image.
How are they feeling?

Artwork Analysis

Here are three paintings from the National Gallery in London.

The Ambassadors download


Surprised! download


The WaterLily Pond download


Can the AI tool describe, and analyse the style and historical context of these paintings?

Interpret an image of your choosing

Choose a variety of other images, import each into the AI tool, and then cross-question the tool to see how well it can describe, interpret and infer from the image.