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Exercise - Analyse BBC Strictly Results

The objective of this exercise is to analyse the data from the first week of the BBC Strictly competition. The data is in the “Week 1” table on this Wikipedia web page

Strictly is a Saturday evening light entertainment BBC show. It is a dancing competition. The series was in autumn 2023. Originally about 15 couples compete for the glitterball trophy. A couple is made of a celebrity and a professional dancer. There are also four judges; in this series these were Craig, Motsi, Shirley and Anton.

Each week, couples perform a dance, and the four judges give a score out of ten. The audience can also vote although details of the audience results are not released. When all couples have danced, the audience and judge scores are combined and the two couples with the least combined votes go into the dance off. The judges then vote to save one of the couples and the other couple is eliminated. There are a few exceptions; no couples are eliminated in the first week and in this series two couples withdrew from the competition and so there were no eliminations into two of the later weeks.

The data is provided by Wikipedia. The original results data for the latest series are here. Wikipedia provides separate tables for each week but for this exercise, the results data for all weeks has been appended into one single dataset. The results data has the following columns:

Here are some suggested prompts to start your analysis.

Optional Advanced Exercise 2

Analyse the full results from the Autumn 2023 series from an Excel dataset containing several Excel tables. Download from here.