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Explainers describe how things work, explain the root cause of a problem and suggest how it can be fixed.
Explain to me like I am a five year old what the NHS does.
Explain a section 42 notice under the leasehold reform Housing & Development act of 1993.
This Excel formula produces incorrect results in some cells but is correct in others. Can you explain why? =XLOOKUP(G18,$D$18:$D$21,$C18:$C$21)
Explain what went wrong in the recent cybersecurity breach of the British Library?
Ask the AI to explain concepts from science and technology, for example:
- Explain quantum computing in simple terms, focusing on how it differs from classical computing.
- How does the internet work, from a basic webpage request to the final display on a user’s screen?
- What is CRISPR and how does it enable genetic editing? Provide a basic overview suitable for someone without a scientific background.
- Explain the significance of the Renaissance period in Europe, highlighting key figures and achievements.
And also for history and culture, for example:
- Can you explain the significance of the Renaissance period in Europe, highlighting key figures and achievements?
- Why was King Charles I tried and found guilty of treason?
And from economics and finance, for example:
- What is a cryptocurrency, and how does it differ from traditional forms of money? Provide a simple explanation of how it works.
- What is inflation, and what the role of the Bank Of England in controlling it?
And the arts and literature, for example:
- How has William Shakespeare influenced modern literature and the English language?
- What is Impressionism, and who are some of the key artists associated with this movement?