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People who use Excel regularly appreciate that there are often challenges building Excel spreadsheets.We can use generative AI tools to help us with Excel challenges, for example
Many of these example are based on a spreadsheet named Store Data.xlsx available for download here.
Initial Prompt: Act as a helpful Excel expert. Keep your answers brief unless I ask for more detail.
The next questions refer to an Excel table, Store, with columns, Country, Product, Sales and Profit.
Explain what this formula does
=XLOOKUP($G26, ItemsFinal[Fruit], ItemsFinal[Price])
Explain what this formula does.
=IF([@Quantity]<500, “Small”, IF([@Quantity]<1000,”Medium”, IF([@Quantity]<3000,”Large”, “Huge”)))
Improve the formula so that it is more readable.
Improve the formula so that it is more readable. Use the IFS() function.
Is it possible to achieve the same result using XLOOKUP?
=XLOOKUP($G28, ItemsFinal[Fruit], ItemsFinal[Price]) is a #N/A error. Please explain why this error occurred and how to fix it.
Explain the Excel XLOOKUP function with a few examples.
A follow-up question could be: Should I use the XLOOKUP or VLOOKUP function in my Excel spreadsheet?
In Excel, I want to create a matrix of values of body mass index (BMI) for a set of weights (60, 70, 80 100 Kg) on the row headers and heights (1.6,1.7, 1.8, 2.0 metres) on the column headers. The BMI formula is weight / (height * height). How do I do this?
My spreadsheet has three tables named Jan, Feb and Mar. All three tables have the same structure as in the example below.
Date | Category | Amount |
13/01/2024 | Alpha | 10 |
26/01/2024 | Bravo | 20 |
Write an Excel formula to stack the data in these three tables into a combined table.
In Excel I have a column of text containing the full name of several people, in the format
last name, title. othernames
for example:
Braund, Mr. Owen Harris
Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)
Heikkinen, Miss. Laina
I want to split these names up into three columns: lastname, title and other names. This is the result I want based on the examples
last name | title | other names |
Braund | Mr | Owen Harris |
Cumings | Mrs | John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer) |
Heikkinen | Miss | Laina |
Explain what this formula does
=TAKE(SORT(CHOOSECOLS(Store, XMATCH(B5:B8, Store[#Headers])), 4, -1), 10)
Improve the formula so that it is more readable.
Improve the formula so that it is more readable. Use the LET() function.
The PatientStay spreadsheet contains fictitious data about 44 patient hospital stays.
Start with this initial prompt:
Act as an Excel expert. Be brief with your responses.
If your AI Tool can import a data file, use this prompt.
The attached spreadsheet has data on patients stays in hospital. Import the file and describe the data.
If your AI Tool can’t import a data file, use this prompt.
An Excel spreadsheet contains data about patient stays in hospital. The columns are PatientId, AdmittedDate, DischargeDate, Hospital, Ward, Tariff and Ethnicity.
Here are some suggested prompts to start your analysis.
Download and inspect the Pizza Ingedients Excel spreadsheet This is based on a beginner level Excel lesson to teach formulas and relative and fixed references.
Here are some suggested prompts to start your analysis.