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The Land Registry provide details of all the properties sold in England and Wales since 1995. This data is publicly available from HM Land Registry Price Paid Data website here.
This dataset contains a small subset of this data, about 20,000 property sales in the London SW12 post code, available as a CSV file on a public website and a database table. The data is available from a GitHub repo here and can be imported directly into Power BI using the links below.
There is also a similar price paid file for the ME16 postcode. This is a postcode in Maidstone, Kent.
The most important fields in price paid files are:
The data also contains several other fields about the address:
There is also a transaction_category field with a value of either A or B. Here is the description from the Land Registry.
The PropertyType Lookup table has a row for each property type and maps the single letter code in the PricePaid data to the name e.g. D maps to Detached
The PostCode SW12 table has a row for each postcode in SW12, with various attributes such as the latitude, longitude and some political and sociological values, e.g. the ONS code for the ward and local authority and the IMD decile. The pcds column on PostCodeSW12 matches the Postcode column on PricePaidSW12.
The Ward Lookup table maps the ward ONS code to the ward name and local authority name.