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The Superstore dataset represents a retail store selling to customers in the US from 2018 to 2012. It is fictional data. It is useful as an exercise in data modelling and DAX.
There are several files – assume that of these are a download of a table as if they were generated by the operational IT system of this retailer. The files are:
These files are available as separate CSV files
Alternatively, they are on separate tabs in a single Excel spreadsheet here.
If your organisation blocks access to GitHub then here is an alternative location.
You will also need a Dates table.
Build a data model in Power BI step by step.
Import each table into the model and then build visuals to show that the model works well. Import the tables in the order they are listed below.
Improve the model after each step: consider relationships, DAX measures and calculations, which fields to hide, hierarchies and so on.
You may want to consider some design aspects such as:
Once the Dates Table is imported, the data model becomes a snowflake rather than a star pattern. Is there any benefit of a reverting back to a star schema design? If so, how would you achieve this?