Data and AI Training

Home | Power BI | Excel | Python | SQL | Generative AI | Visualising Data | Analysing Data

Welcome to the Courses - Logistics


9:30am start, 4:30pm close

Lunch from 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Morning: two 15-minute breaks at 10:30am and 11:30am

Afternoon: two 15-minute breaks at 2:30pm and 3:30pm

One screen good, two screens better

Please make every effort to have two screens attached to the PC: one for the Teams session where the instructor shares their screen and another for the lab exercises.

Have you followed the joining instructions?

Please check that you have followed the joining instructions. If you have not, you will not be allowed to join the course and marked as a non-attendee.

Hints to make the course go well

Talk, explain, describe, participate!

Raise (and keep) your Teams hand up if you would like help

When sharing your screen

Presenter Bingo

You will hear me saying all these things many times during the course. If bored, keep a note and shout “Bingo” when you get a full house.

SDN Course Learning Paths

Contact the trainer

Mark Wilcock email LinkedIn

Details of our data and AI training courses at here

London Business Analytics Group - free data talks and events, London and online YouTube and meetup