Data and AI Training

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Course Datasets

A useful dataset for many exercises is a Dates table.

The hands-on labs and guided exercises on the course may use one of the following datasets.

Bank Churn


London Bike Hire


MT Cars

Retail Bank

Share Price History




Football Match Record

World Bank Indicators

Labs mainly for mapping

Price Paid SW12

UK 2024 election

Health and NHS datasets

NHS hospital outpatient activity

This area contains several tables that count the number of hospital outpatient appointments, grouped by financial year, apointment type (patient attended, did not attend, hospital cancelled etc.), gender and age band. Click here.

NHS Financial performance reports

Several HTML tables to show year to date surplus / deficit, both planned and actual numbers, by type. There are also tables for each region, with rows for each provider or ICB. The landing page is here.

Audio datasets

This contains audio MP3 files for use in voice-to-text transcription AI models. The landing pages is here.